Monday, July 11, 2011

Cleansing of fluid Radioactive devastate containing Cs-134, Co-60

The waste was of low-level category containing Cs-134, Co-60, alkaline and somewhat highly ionic. The decontamination was based on separation by coagulation-flocculation and pptn of the radionuclide, particularly, Cs-134 into a small volume of a mixture of nickel ferrocyanides pptn. Objective of the study was to improve % removal and decontamination factor (DF). The radionuclide was removed by entrainment (adsorption, ion-exchange) with the in-situ precipitation. The % removal and QF achieved: 99.6 and 250, respectively (for Cs-134).
Liquid radioactive wastes (LRW) are generated in all stages of nuclear reactor operations, also specially in operations involving production of radioisotopes application of RIs in industries, medicine and research. However, the type of Liquid Wastes produced depends upon the particular operation(s) being conducted. The LRWs vary extensively both in chemical and radio-nuclide content. Most nuclear operations also produce a variety of LRWs from different activities the specific activity of the wastes generated depends upon the type and use of the radioactive materials. LRWs are normally classified according to sp. activity The treatment of LRW of one category will normally result in two streams of other waste categories a nearly equal volume of liquid waste of a lower specific activity much smaller volume of another category of higher specific activity. The composition of radioactive aqueous wastes covers a very wide range both with regard to activities and the presence of be, gamma and, sometimes, alpha-emitting radio nuclides. Some waste streams will contain both; many streams will contain specific groups of radionuclide others one or two must be considered in the treatment process.
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